Snow Performance SNO47005 Diesel Stage 3 MPG-MAX

Code: SNO47005


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New from Snow Performance is the only system proven to increase fuel economy in all load states – empty or while towing. Special mapping and the most sophisticated 2d digital controller available result in 1-3 MPG increases! The MPG-MAX™ system does not require a sustained high load state in order to provide maximum fuel economy gains. The MPG-MAX™ system uses a new injection management controller that allows for a small, steady spray of water/methanol to be injected across the entire power curve, at anything over normal cruising boost. This provides an increase in combustion efficiency which provides more power without injecting more diesel fuel. This increase in efficiency translates into an increase in fuel economy. Typical fuel economy increases are 10%-15% or 1-3 MPG.

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Weight15 lbs